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查看: 1537| 评论: 260 |2024-06-01

混凝土 框架 住宅 设计
摘要:  混凝土柱梁框架里加入砖屏的住宅设计/ Bloco Arquitetos  关键词:专筑网,专筑设计、专筑视界、专筑讲坛、专筑视频、专筑资料  Brick screens are set into framework of concrete columns and beams at Casa G

  混凝土柱梁框架里加入砖屏的住宅设计/ Bloco Arquitetos  关键词:专筑网,专筑设计、专筑视界、专筑讲坛、专筑视频、专筑资料  Brick screens are set into framework of concrete columns and beams at Casa G

  混凝土柱梁框架里加入砖屏的住宅设计/ Bloco Arquitetos


  Brick screens are set into framework of concrete columns and beams at Casa Grid


  Bloco Arquitetos通过添加多孔砖墙面板混凝土结构,在巴西利亚为一栋家庭住所增建了额外的楼层。

  Bloco Arquitetos has created an extra storey for a family home in Brasília by adding a stilted concrete structure that incorporates panels of perforated brickwork.

混凝土柱梁框架里加入砖屏的住宅设计 Bloco Arquitetos (1)_调整大小混凝土柱梁框架里加入砖屏的住宅设计 Bloco Arquitetos (2)_调整大小混凝土柱梁框架里加入砖屏的住宅设计 Bloco Arquitetos (4)_调整大小混凝土柱梁框架里加入砖屏的住宅设计 Bloco Arquitetos (5)_调整大小混凝土柱梁框架里加入砖屏的住宅设计 Bloco Arquitetos (3)_调整大小

  在巴西利亚首都Lago Sul 街区,建筑师为一位购买了包括大量现存建筑地产的客户,采用当地实践设计的房屋网络。

  The local practice designed Casa Grid for a client who had bought a large lot containing an existing property in the Lago Sul neighbourhood of the Brazilian capital.



  The architects were tasked with adapting and expanding the existing single-storey house to suit the lifestyle of its new occupants.

  The previous owner had initially planned a much larger two-storey building and had laid extensive foundations, but had run out of money and so constructed a small bungalow with a pitched roof.

  以上文字节选自专筑网“混凝土柱梁框架里加入砖屏的住宅设计/ Bloco Arquitetos”一文,全文阅读http://www.iarch.cn/thread-33396-1-1.html

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